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博鱼(boyu·中国)|黑莓在美份额降至3% 转战低端手机败走印尼

发布时间:2024-10-19 18:45:01 点击量:113
本文摘要:With the U.S. consumer clearly having left the Crackberry days behind, BlackBerry (BBRY) is looking to establish a stronger foothold in emerging markets, starting in Indonesia, according to reports.随着美国消费者的“可怕黑莓”时代消逝,日前有报导称之为黑莓公司( BlackBerry)正在谋求从印尼等新兴市场取得更加强劲的立足点。

With the U.S. consumer clearly having left the Crackberry days behind, BlackBerry (BBRY) is looking to establish a stronger foothold in emerging markets, starting in Indonesia, according to reports.随着美国消费者的“可怕黑莓”时代消逝,日前有报导称之为黑莓公司( BlackBerry)正在谋求从印尼等新兴市场取得更加强劲的立足点。The embattled Canadian company announced the new low-cost BlackBerry Z3 at an event in Jakarta Tuesday. The New York Times reported that it was a flashy affair, with hip-hop dancing and, of course, a laser light show.上周,这家陷入困境的加拿大公司在雅加达发售了新的低成本黑莓Z3手机。《纽约时报》(New York Times)的报导称之为,这是一个时尚秀场,有新潮hip-hop街舞,当然也有激光红毯秀。

The firm hasnt had much to dance about lately, with the one-time cellphone kings market share having dipped to just 3.1% in the U.S., according to data released earlier this year.这家公司最近没什么有一点庆典的事情。今年早些时候公布的数据表明,手机市场这位曾多次的王者在美国市场的份额早已上升到了3.1%。The new low-cost touchscreen phone was designed especially for Indonesia, one of BlackBerrys largest markets globally. It will sell for the equivalent of $190. BlackBerry plans to release it in other Asian countries as well, and plans to sell millions of units, according to the Times story.这款新型低成本触屏手机专为印尼市场设计,而印尼也是黑莓全球仅次于的市场之一。


The phone includes a halal food directory -- a useful feature in a majority Muslim country like Indonesia.这款手机内置清真食物目录,这对于像印尼这样的以穆斯林居多的国家是十分简单的一项功能。

本文关键词:博鱼(boyu·中国),BOYU SPORTS,博鱼·体育
